INTERSTICES Stour Space Gallery, London

Private Preview 10th of November 2017, 6-9 pm

The factors that compose a work of art are varied. Interstice means a space that intervenes between things. The interaction of the audience, time, place and space forms the dialogue between artworks and creates interstices.

Interstices brings together artists from different places and sub-cultures around the world. Exhibiting artists from England, France, Scotland and Turkey, this exhibition aims to inhabit the space between their cultures. An experience starts between space and artwork. The two main concepts that form this experience are defined as time and place. David Harvey animated time not as a flow, but as memories of living places. Therefore, he defends the opinion of history -as the main material of social expression- leaving its place to art and time leaving its place to space. These definitions that manifest the decisiveness of an individual's senses in perception of space and time, which also have a place within modern and contemporary art.

Interstices argues that the experience of an artwork is only realised by being physically in front of the work. The exhibition presents artworks that have contemporaneous physical and retinal paths, creating niche abstract systems of colours, dimensions and layers. Holding within them the rhythms of the individual’s memory and daily life. When presented together the artworks generate new energies and re-establish their identity. Artists use different techniques and materials in similar ways which are collage, painting, pattern, map, tactile sensation, illusion and physical reality.

Interstices is the first exhibition held by Art Elsewhere. The exhibition features artworks by; Ralph Anderson, Amelia Bowles, Secil Erel and Antoine Langenieux-Villard. The exhibition will take place on the 10th of November 2017 at Stour Space, London.

Photo Credit: Guzel Photography




Cristina BanBan 'Pounds For Bread'